Wisconsin Indian Mission Trip Adventure and Concert — The Johnson Strings

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Wisconsin Indian Mission Trip Adventure and Concert

On our long drive up to Wisconsin to the Indian Mission in July, we ran into a long detour, winding around the country side for miles on end.

Culver's was a welcome stop to eat and regroup with the team.

(Oh, by the way, I've gotten the commenting fixed on this blog. Now all of you will be able to comment instead of just a select few!!!)

We finally arrived late at night, got a bit of sleep, and attended a Native American church Sunday morning.

Later were briefings on what to expect, time to get to know the staff who ran the camp, and time to move to the right cabins before the campers arrived on Monday.

If you wanted a shower, you had to get up early even though each night was a late one. With only 3 showers for all the girls and women at the camp and not much water pressure, some of us were getting up before 5:30 each morning to beat the rush.

One of the nights, we gave a concert for all the children, staff members, and the visiting family members. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing them react to the music.
They were such a FUN audience!
It was one of my favorite concerts of the year.

~ Children decorated tee shirts during some of the craft time ~

Kickball, Ga-ga ball, swimming, water activities, and fun crafts were all big hits with the children.

After cleaning cabins, exercises (Get your blood pumping before you eat!) and then breakfast, the mornings were spent with different age groups rotating through Bible time, game time, and craft time.

Abigail, telling the story of Pilgrim's Progress

Meals were an adventure!

Because of the great attendance, one leader and his campers was put outside in a tent. That leader was Seth. He was a great trooper. It was REALLY hot and the air was swarming with millions of mosquitoes. He and his campers were the only ones in a tent. No air conditioning. No cool escape (like all the rest of the camp had). Plus, he and his boys didn't get a break from the camp cabin inspector: their tent had to be spotless, just like the cabins. No grass, no bad smell, everything absolutely in order, bags in a straight line with no wrinkles, swimming clothes out of sight, everything spotless, everything precisely uniform (you are docked points if it isn't) all sleeping bags going the same direction each morning, etc, etc. for the ex-Marine cabin inspector!

We each had campers we were responsible for - 24 hours a day - eating, sleeping, playing, and working through problems together for 5 days straight (with some on our team even getting up multiple times per night to go with their kids to the bathrooms). 
Because of his age, Silas had day campers instead of ones that stayed for night - he did a fantastic job with them.
Silas and one of his many new friends.

It was an amazing experience. God answered prayer and helped us when we asked Him. All of us grew in the Lord through the time there and are thankful for the opportunity we had to spend time with these wonderful children. They are such treasures.
Several members of the team said it was the hardest mission trip they had ever been on before, but it was worth it for the children. With God's strength and help, we can do anything we need to do to have the opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

~ The Team ~