Yes! It is a very important occasion!
As you may know, buses need to have names. Especially those buses associated with musical groups.
The names range from bland and boring (how about "AAA Bus") to sort of ridiculous (like "Floral and Hardy" complete with a photo of shrubs cut to mimic the famous Laurel and Hardy!! The bushes even sported bowler hats!)
Soooo, since we now have a bus, we needed a special name! After all, this bus may travel with us over the next 600,000 + miles thanks to the great build of the Mercedes-Benz!
What would you name a bus?
A bus for an artistic musical group?
Checking out our new Sprinter van in South Carolina
Drum roll....
The name of our new bus is... "Van Gogh" - get it? Van Go!
- a take on the name of that famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh
You can thank Silas and Karen for coming up with this name!